Commercial Break A Poem for Brandon Teena when i was 5i knew i wanted to grow up to be a madmana wild eyed reflection of white crazy hairwhere we all drive behind time jumping wheels requiring 1.21 gigawattsto get us anywhere but by the age of 10i’d learned...
It Gets Better not less hard, just better. At 11 years old, I believed in magic. Like I could catch falling stars in a mason jar, carry the construction of the Colosseum in my shirt pocket, paint a storm sky to life with daylight on dark thundering nights while...
Summer and Mean It starting over in the magic of summer months. In this newfound Summer freedomWith short sleevesAnd sun-kissed skinThe hot lips of a cloudless dayAnd I remember what it’s likeTo walk hand-in-handWith someone who smilesJust because they know youJust...
The Undoing of I Do …but what about love? “Marriage equality also means divorce equality,” but what about love? It’s a fact that 41% of first-time marriages end in divorce. And I remember sitting on the sidelines, on the side of the stage, somebody important was...
Hello… I Love You. a poem for human beings. an average conversation with a stranger:”hello. I Love You.” and I’ve got nothing else to offer but cracked ribscaged by the display of my stain-glass smilefragile but full of faiththis is Mea Poet...
My Name is They what’s gender anyway? When we talkWe all speak in genderFluent from the tongueAre the soft pinks of She’sAnd the militant blues of HisPronouns never had a choice My voice is a sirBigger than my courage will ever give me credit forBut I...